At home on the dark side of the moon

by | 30. Jun. 2020 | Art News, From the Steuer Oasis

Summertime is sculpture time! Outdoor objects have long had their winter covers removed; the outdoor sculpture studio is open for the mild season. I would like to continue work on the over two-meter-high terracotta herm, which has found a pleasant setting in the front yard as a guardian figure.


While the herm’s south-facing sun rays dazzle in solar gold, the north-facing silver moon ray appears duller than I had hoped. I stopped my color tests out of respect for the herm’s new inhabitants: a family of birds has built a nest in the hollow behind the moon’s face. The birds are thus literally at home on the dark side of the moon. A sundial is planned for underneath the sun’s south-facing head. This is still completely missing. Once the fledglings have left the nest, I will once again work on that. Summer time is also nature conservation time …




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