Secluded Sanctuary

by | 2. Jun. 2021 | Art Works, Pixography

Strength lies in tranquility. Reducing social and economic interactions with the outside world can have a cleansing and restorative effect in times of excess. The green color space of this series represents restful alertness.

Secluded Sanctuary 0074 · 2021 · Image size and substrate freely selectable

Secluded Sanctuary 0068 · 2021 · Image size and substrate freely selectable

Secluded Sanctuary 0075 · 2021 · Image size and substrate freely selectable

Secluded Sanctuary 0070 · 2021 · Image size and substrate freely selectable

Secluded Sanctuary 0067 · 2021 · Image size and substrate freely selectable

Secluded Sanctuary 0069 · 2021 · Image size and substrate freely selectable


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