Ontological Obsession

by | 29. May. 2021 | Art Works, Pixography

Illusion or reality? Reason and reflection quickly reach their limits here. Possibly, a holistic approach helps to experience the coexistence of illusion and reality. I dedicate this vibrant series of pixographs to the nature of appearance and the structure of substantiveness.


Ontological Obsession 0084 · 2021 · Image size and substrate freely selectable

Ontological Obsession 0087 · 2021 · Image size and substrate freely selectable

Ontological Obsession 0092 · 2021 · Image size and substrate freely selectable

Ontological Obsession 0085 · 2021 · Image size and substrate freely selectable

Ontological Obsession 0094 · 2021 · Image size and substrate freely selectable


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